Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus: Next Ubuntu Release Is Named After A Cute Mouse

Short Bytes: After the recent Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak release, the Canonical founder Mark Shuttleworth has announced the name of the next major Ubuntu release. Ubuntu 17.04 will be called Zesty Zapus which is named after a jumping mouse found in the North American region.

It’s almost a week since the Yakkety Yak was parked in the Linux world by Canonical. People are still busy installing the release and knowing about the best features of Ubuntu 16.10. But in a recent blog post, Mark Shuttleworth, the founder of Canonical, has announced the name for the next release of the popular Linux distro i.e. Ubuntu 17.04.

“As we come to the end of the alphabet, I want to thank everyone who makes this fun. Your passion and focus and intellect, and occasionally your sharp differences, all make it a privilege to be part of this body incorporate,” he wrote.

Shuttleworth has gone all the way to North America, not literally, though, in order to decide which animal he should pick for the last alphabet in the Ubuntu naming series, the letter Z. He found a lively jumping mouse named Zapus worthy enough to be the representative of the Ubuntu 17.04 release. The new release is called the Zesty Zapus.

The Ubuntu 17.04 Zesty Zapus will be released in April 2017 and its support will end in January 2018.

While you might be fascinated about the Zesty mouse Canonical is inviting to play with you sometime in April 2017. There is another important question to be addressed. What’s next after Zesty Zapus?

If you have something to add, tell us in the comments below.

Also Read: Linux & Open Source News Of The Week

Canonical Ltd.jumping mouseLinuxMark Shuttleworthnext ubuntu release