WatchMojo’s official YouTube Channel Terminated Due to a Glitch (Updated)

The official YouTube channel of WatchMojo has been terminated due to multiple or severe violations of YouTube’s policy. If you don’t know WatchMojo then it is a popular video content producer, publisher, and syndicator based in Canada.

Upon visiting WatchMojo’s YouTube channel a red warning sign can be seen explaining why the channel was terminated however WatchMogo’s Twitter account tweeted that they have no idea what happened to their YouTube channel and they believe it is a glitch.

WatchMojo claims that there are a number of other YouTube channels that are currently down and their team is in touch with YouTube. Previously, WatchMojo was in the news when their YouTube channel was hacked by a group of hackers calling themselves ”Obnoxious and Pein”



WatchMojo’s YouTube has been restored however it is still unclear what really happened or what kind of glitch created the issue. Stay tuned.

bugGlitchsocial mediatechnologyYoutube Videos