Why Should You Learn To Code?

If you have been flipping through our archives, I am pretty sure that the article upon “What Code Should You Learn in 2016” must have caught your attention. The very first thing that zapped into my mind upon reading that article was: shouldn’t we explore the reason behind ” Why Should We Learn To Code” in greater depth. Although there is a brief note in the article upon this topic, but I personally feel that it does not serve justice to the importance of this intriguing mystery.

I am pretty much aware that there might be many of you coding experts, reading this article who might be wondering “Seriously dude, people really need a reason to code?” I mean what doesn’t coding offer you- big bucks, the chance to become a millionaire or perhaps even the chance to become known throughout the world for your work.

But there is more to it than meets the eye. And I quote- ‘my personal experience’. As a newbie to coding, the biggest problem that I faced ( and have observed many other people as facing) is overcoming the frustration at not being able to solve a problem. I started practising problems on SPOJ and the first problem was that of Life, Universe and Everything- which is actually the easiest. After solving it, I for one was like  – “Yeah I am so gonna become an ace at coding”. Only to come crashing down from my Dreamland when faced with the inability to solve other problems. Even after spending days I was not able to solve the problems which led to me, questioning the sanctity of coding? Is it really important to learn to code? I mean why should I bother myself and waste my time upon solving these apparently unsolvable problems.

Until I read this anecdote on the inventwithpython blog:

A math teacher is giving a lesson on logarithms or the quadratic equation or whatever and is asked by a student, “When will I ever need to know this?””Most likely never,” replied the teacher without hesitation. “Most jobs and even a lot of professions won’t require you to know any math beyond basic arithmetic or a little algebra.” “But,” the teacher continued, “let me ask you this. Why do people go to the gym and lift weights? Do they all plan on becoming Olympic weight lifters, or professional body builders? Do they think they’ll one day find an old lady trapped under a 200 pound bar bell and say, ‘This is what I’ve been training for.’” “No, they lift weights because it makes them stronger. Learning math is important because because it makes you smarter. It forces your brain to think in a way that normally it wouldn’t think: a way that requires precision, discipline, and abstract thought. It’s more than rote memorization, or making beautiful things, or figuring out someone’s expectations and how to appease them. Doing your math homework is practice for the kind of disciplined thinking where there are objective right and wrong answers. And math is ubiquitous: it comes up in a lot of other subjects and is universal across cultures. And all this is practice for thinking in a new way. And being able to think in new ways, more than anything, is what will prepare you for an unpredictable, even dangerous, future.

Okay, in case you are expecting: No it did not make me turn a new leaf, open my laptop and be like Get, Set, Code!! But yes, it did make me think.

With coding, even though there is no guarantee of instant success, it still goes a long way in making you and efficient, productive & effective. Today almost all of us spend our time glued to our computer systems, so it wouldn’t really hurt to get to know what is actually going behind the screen, perhaps it could even enable one to use their system more efficiently. And beyond all, Learning to code involves learning How to Find Real Help for Yourself.

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Codelearn to codeWhat Code Should You Learn in 2015Why Should You Learn To Code