Hacker “Cancels” Plan To Live Stream Attack To Delete Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Page

Update: The Taiwanese hacker has suspended his plans to attack Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page and make attempts to delete it. “I am canceling my live feed, I have reported the bug to Facebook and I will show proof when I get bounty from Facebook, to delete it,” he said on his page.

Original story continues from here —

This Sunday, you might witness something interesting. Chang Chi-yuan, a hacker from Taiwan, has claimed that he’ll broadcast his hacking attempt to erase Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s public page from the social networking site.

As per a report from Bloomberg, Chang plans to go live at 6 p.m. local Taiwanese time. He has even scheduled a live video on his Facebook page that you can find here and set a reminder. “Broadcasting the deletion of FB founder Zuck’s account,” he wrote on the social networking site.

Chang, who turned 24 this year, has more than 26,000 followers on Facebook. The hobbyist hacker had also been reportedly sued in the past for exposing flaws in different online portals and websites.

In the past, Chang had even appeared in some local TV talk shows; a local bus operator had also sued him for hacking the systems and managing to grab a ticket for just 3 cents.

He has also made alleged claims that he had performed attacks on Apple and Tesla as well. Well, it remains to be seen how things turn out for Chang this Sunday.

Stay tuned for future updates and keep reading Fossbytes.

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