Instagram’s New Prototype Shares Your Location With Facebook

It’s not a week since Instagram’s founders resigned from their positions after a strained relationship with Zuckerberg and clash of ideologies to run the business.

Facebook has already started tightening the noose on Instagram. A prototype privacy setting has been spotted on Instagram that allows you to share your location history with Facebook. This geo-tagged data collected by Instagram will help Facebook in showing targeted ads to users.


You can view the data shared by Instagram by visiting your Facebook account’s Activity Log section. The data will contain the maps of the places you have visited when your Instagram app was running, even in the background.


Facebook’s critics saw it coming after Zuckerberg’s fallout with the founders of the photos sharing app. This might be the first step to link both the apps in a manner that poses a risk to users’ privacy.

Next step could be spamming you with notifications to drive referral traffic or APIs to pull in more data besides your location history.

A Facebook’s representative spoke to Techcrunch and said: “To confirm, we haven’t introduced updates to our location settings. As you know, we often work on ideas that may evolve over time or ultimately not be tested or released. Instagram does not currently store Location History; we’ll keep people updated with any changes to our location settings in the future.”


It remains to be seen how data will be pulled from the Instagram app by Facebook. The giant social media network suffered a massive breach past week which compromised the login tokens of 50 million users.

facebookFacebook and instagramFacebook location sharingInstagramInstagram Data