
Sony Pictures Hackers Leak Unreleased Movies: Fury, Annie, Mr. Turner and Still Alice

Last week’s hacking incident at Sony Pictures has led to leak of online release of many unreleased movies. These leaked movies include Fury, Annie, Mr. Turner, Still Alice and some more Sony Picture titles. The hacking is said to be the work of North Korean hackers. This is a result of the depiction of the assassination of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Sony Pictures movie The Interview, starring James Franco and Seth Rogan

Hackers that breached in Sony Pictures released DVD rips of movies before they hit the theaters. Fury, Annie, Mr. Turner and Still Alice- all these movies have hit torrent websites around the same time shortly after the attack.

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Sony Picture is still suffering from past week’s hack and its email system remains offline. There is no confirmation that the films were indeed obtained from the attack, but the copies are believed to be DVD screeners. Out of these movies, only Fury has been released in theaters. Among these 4 leaked movies, Fury is most popular of the leaked films according to Torrentfreak. Also, this is the second most downloaded on The Pirate Bay.

Sony picture representative didn’t confirm that these movies came from the leak. Although, he added, “The theft of Sony Pictures Entertainment content is a criminal matter, and we are working closely with law enforcement to address it.

Via: The Verge

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