pyvit: Python Vehicle Interface Toolkit

Pyvit is a toolkit for interfacing with cars from Python. It aims to implement common hardware interfaces and protocols used in the automotive systems.

Install Pyvit

pyvit can be installed with pip: pip install pyvit.


Getting Started

Using a CANtact

The CANtact tool is directly supported by pyvit. It should work on Windows, OS X, and Linux.


This examples goes on bus and prints received messages:

from pyvit import can
from pyvit.hw.cantact import CantactDev

dev = CantactDev("/dev/cu.usbmodem1451")
while True:

You will need to set the serial port (/dev/cu.usbmodem1451 in this example) correctly.


SocketCAN interfaces are supported, however they are only available on Linux. Using SocketCAN requires Python 3+


The device can now be accessed as a SocketCanDev. This examples goes on bus and prints received messages:

from pyvit import can
from pyvit.hw import socketcan

dev = socketcan.SocketCanDev("can0")

while True:

Using Peak CAN Tools

Peak CAN tools (also known as GridConnect) are support through SocketCAN. This functionality is only available on Linux

For kernels 3.6 and newer, skip to step 5.

  1. Download the Peak Linux driver.
  2. Install dependancies:
    sudo apt-get install libpopt-dev
  3. Build the driver:
    cd peak-linux-driver-x.xx
    sudo make install
  4. Enable the driver:
    sudo modprobe pcan
  5. Connect a Peak CAN tool, ensure it appears in /proc/pcan. Note the network device name (ie, can0)
  6. Bring the corresponding network up:
    sudo ifconfig can0 up


Download PYVIT

pyvit car toolkitpyvit vehicle