EvilUSB – Quick Utility to Craft Executables for Pentesting & Managing Reverse Shells

Quick utility to craft executables for pentesting and managing reverse shells.


Requires Python 3.5 or above.

usage: usb.py [-h] [-b BAT] [-i ICON] [-o OUTPUT] [-t TARGET] [-l] [-p PORT]

EvilUSB: Quick utility to craft executables for pentesting and managing
reverse shells.

optional arguments:
 -h, --help            show this help message and exit
 -b BAT, --bat BAT     Path to bat file
 -i ICON, --icon ICON  Path to icon file (.ico)
 -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                       Path to exe output
 -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                       Set 32 or 64 for platform architecture (Default 32)
 -l, --listen          Listen for incoming connections
 -p PORT, --port PORT  Listening port (Default 4444)

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