Hack Tools

Linux Smart Enumeration – Enumeration Tool for Pentesting and CTFs with Verbosity Levels

Linux enumeration tools for pentesting and CTFs. This project was inspired by https://github.com/rebootuser/LinEnum and uses many of its tests.

Unlike LinEnum, lse tries to gradualy expose the information depending on its importance from a privesc point of view.

What is it?

This script will show relevant information about the security of the local Linux system.

It has 3 levels of verbosity so you can control how much information you see.

In the default level you should see the highly important security flaws in the system. The level 1 (./lse.sh -l1) shows interesting information that should help you to privesc. The level 2 (./lse.sh -l2) will just dump all the information it gathers about the system.

By default it will ask you some questions: mainly the current user password (if you know it ? so it can do some additional tests.

Download Linux Smart Enumeration

git clone https://github.com/diego-treitos/linux-smart-enumeration.git

How to use it?

The idea is to get the information gradually.

First you should execute it just like ./lse.sh. If you see some green yes!, you probably have already some good stuff to work with.

If not, you should try the level 1 verbosity with ./lse.sh -l1 and you will see some more information that can be interesting.

If that does not help, level 2 will just dump everything you can gather about the service using ./lse.sh -l2. In this case you might find useful to use ./lse.sh -l2 | less -r.

You can also select what tests to execute by passing the -s parameter. With it you can select specific tests or sections to be executed. For example ./lse.sh -l2 -s usr010,net,pro will execute the test usr010 and all the tests in the sections net and pro.

Use: ./lse.sh [options]

   -c           Disable color
   -i           Non interactive mode
   -h           This help
   -l LEVEL     Output verbosity level
                  0: Show highly important results. (default)
                  1: Show interesting results.
                  2: Show all gathered information.
   -s SELECTION Comma separated list of sections or tests to run. Available
                  usr: User related tests.
                  sud: Sudo related tests.
                  fst: File system related tests.
                  sys: System related tests.
                  sec: Security measures related tests.
                  ret: Recurren tasks (cron, timers) related tests.
                  net: Network related tests.
                  srv: Services related tests.
                  pro: Processes related tests.
                  sof: Software related tests.
                  ctn: Container (docker, lxc) related tests.
                Specific tests can be used with their IDs (i.e.: usr020,sud)

Amass – Subdomain Enumeration Tool

Is it pretty?

Usage demo

Also available in webm video

Level 0 (default) output sample

Level 1 verbosity output sample

BScan – Asynchronous Target Enumeration Tool

Level 2 verbosity output sample


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