Rock-ON – All in one Recon Tool

Rock-On is a all in one recon tool that will help your Recon process give a boost. It is mainley aimed to automate the whole process of recon and save the time that is being wasted in doing all this stuffs manually.


  1. Sub Domain Scraping
  2. Finding A.S.N -> Netblocks -> IP’s
  3. Resolving
  4. Finding Ports
  5. Finding VHost
  6. Finding Directories
  7. Finding Sub Takeovers
  8. Asset tracker with live monitoring
  9. Push Notifications to Slack
  10. Finding JS link then relative links in them and some sensitive files
  11. Active and passive crawling

Tools Added


  1. Sublist3r
  2. Knock
  3. Subfinder
  4. Censys
  5. Amass
  6. CT Logs
  7. CTFR
  8. Wayback
  9. San Domains
  10. AltDns
  11. NMAP
  12. Masscan
  13. MassDNS
  14. Sublert
  15. Aquatone
  16. Vhost
  17. Rapid7 FDNS DB
  18. AWS-CLI
  19. Dirsearch
  20. More to be added…
 LittleBrother – Information Gathering (OSINT) on a person in EU 



Install by Following methods:

tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.12.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
rm -f go1.12.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
nano ~/.profile

Add this lines

export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go


Note: For a new Fresh VPS run this commands first:

sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install git
git clone
cd Rock-ON
chmod +x

Also don’t forget to configure your AWS credentials by running

aws configure



Enter your choice and then the required Information.


PyMeta – Domain Metadata Extractor 

Note: Run the below command while running the 4th option for the first time.

gem install colorize


Download Rock-ON

all in one recon toolrock on recon