
NSA’s GitHub Account Has 32 Open Source Projects For The Public

The American security agency NSA was very secretive in its operations in the past. But with time, and unwanted revelations coming to the surface, the agency started to open up more front of the common population.

NSA already started their Twitter handle after Snowden’s revelation and now they’re all set to make their footprint in the open source community. Their GitHub site now contains 32 open source projects, written by the NSA developers, distributed across two accounts. Some of them are ‘coming soon’ repositories.

However, the NSA’s account isn’t brand new. It first appeared in 2015, when the agency open sourced a tool called SIMP (System Integrity Management Platform).

These projects have been shared as a part of the NSA Technology Transfer Program (TTP) which acts as a bridge between patented NSA-developed tech and industry, academic institutions, and other research bodies.

The NSA opening up their treasure will help the general public in many ways. In fact, many of the technologies we are currently using, be it the internet, GPS or your Rayban; various defense bodies have been a wellspring for such things.

Check out NSA’s new Github site using this link.


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