Dockernymous – Create a Whonix-like gateway environment with Docker Containers

Dockernymous is a start script for Docker that runs and configures two individual Linux containers in order to act as an anonymization workstation-gateway set up.

t’s aimed towards experienced Linux/Docker users, security professionals and penetration testers!

The gateway container acts as a Anonymizing Middlebox (see and routes ALL traffic from the workstation container through the Tor Network.

The idea was to create a whonix-like setup (see that runs on systems which aren’t able to efficiently run two hardware virtualized machines or don’t have virtualization capacities at all.


Host (Linux):

  • docker
  • vncviewer
  • xterm
  • curl

Gateway Image:

  • Linux (e.g. Alpine, Debian )
  • tor
  • procps
  • ncat
  • iptables

Workstation Image:

  • Linux (e.g. Kali)
  • ‎xfce4 or another desktop environment (for vnc access)
  • tightvncserver
Also read: Top 20 Operating Systems for Hackers, Pentesters, Blue and Red Teamers


1. Host

To clone the dockernymous repository type:

git clone

Dockernymous needs an up and running Docker environment and a non-default docker network. Let’s create one:

docker network create --driver=bridge --subnet= docker_internal

2. Gateway (Alpine):

Get a lightweight gateway Image! For example Alpine:

docker pull alpine

Run the image, update the package list, install iptables & tor:

docker run -it alpine /bin/sh
apk add --update tor iptables iproute2

Feel free to further customize the gateway for your needs before you extit.

To make this permanent you have to create a new image from the gateway container we just set up. Each time you run dockernymous a new container is created from that image and disposed on exit:

docker commit [Container ID] my_gateway

Get the container ID by running:

docker ps -a

3. Workstation (Kali Linux):

Get an image for the Workstation. For example, Kali Linux for penetration testing:

docker pull kalilinux/kali-linux-docker

Update and install the tools you would like to use (see

docker run -it kalilinux/kali-linux-docker /bin/bash
apt-get update
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt install kali-linux-top10

Make sure the tightvncserver and curl packages are installed which is the case with most Kali Metapackages.

apt-get install tightvncserver
apt-get install curl

Install xfce4 for a minimal graphical Desktop:

$ apt-get install xfce4 
$ apt-get clean
$ exit

As with the Gateway, to make this permanent you have to create an image from that customized container. Each time you run dockernymous a new container is created and disposed on exit.

$ docker commit [Container ID] my_workstation

Get the container ID by running:

$ docker ps -a

4. Run dockernymous In case you changed the names for the images to something different (defaults are: “docker_internal” (network), “my_gateway” (gateway), “my_workstation” (you guess it)) open with your favorite editor and update the actual names in the configuration section.

Everything should be set up by now, let’s give it a try! Run Dockernymus (don’t forget to ‘cd’ into the cloned folder):


or mark it executable once:

chmod +x 

and always run it with:




Dockernymous is in a very early state of development. Only use it for educational purposes.

DON’T use it if you rely on strong anonymity!

anonymize docker containerdocker container whonix