Password Attacks

Emagnet – Tool to Find Leaked Databases with 97.1% Accuracy to Grab Email and Password

Emagnet is a very powerful tool to capture email addresses and passwords from leaked databases uploaded on pastebin.

It’s almost impossible to find leaked passwords when they are out of list on Either they have been deleted by pastebin’s techs or the uploads is just one in the crowd. To be honest it’s easier to find a needle in a haystack then find outdated uploads on pastebin with the data we want to collect.


Bruteforce on your own risk.

For people that like things sorted. If you have some big archives with leaked databases stored (or small) on your harddrive but you are to lazy to figure out wich works and not on sites like spotify or gmail for example, then just create a a random text file in “$HOME/.config/emagnet/tmp/some-random-file” – Add all logins as: mail:password one per line – Now just run emagnet as usual and you will bruteforce all accounts you added to the file and all cracked accounts will be stored in log dirs! Once done, you will have a good list for accounts that actually works for real or at least you know wich accounts you can put at top of your text file that you know is legit.

Don’t forget to use vpn, tor or just edit curl command if you want to use a socks5 proxy / ssh tunnel: For a socks5 proxy use: curl –socks5-hostname localhost:port …… and for tor use curl –socks5 ……

Demo – How it works

Left side is how you see it – Right side is what actually happening in the background

Get Started On Linux/MacOSX

git clone
cd emagnet
chmod +x emagnet*
./emagnet --emagnet

Get started on Android via Termux

See video here

  • Download termux from play store here

Once installed, copy and paste below commands:

 echo -e '
 pkg update
 pkg upgrade -y
 pkg install wget curl git -y
 git clone

 cd emagnet
 bash emagnet --emagnet' >

Get Started On Windows 10

Please visit my installation wiki for more info (includes a video)

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