SocialPath – Track users across Social Media Platforms

SocialPath is a django application for gathering social media intelligence on specific username. It checks for Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Reddit and Stackoverflow.

Collected data is sorted according words frequency, hashtags, timeline, mentions, similar accounts and presented as charts with the help of D3js. This technique allows me to track darknet users who does not use unique nicknames.

Supported services:

  • Facebook (posts only)
  • Twitter
  • Stackoverflow
  • Instagram
  • Reddit

App uses Django and D3js to draw charts.


  • Django
  • Tweepy
  • PRAW
  • Django related packages
  • facebook_scraper
Also read: SocialScan – Check Email Address and Username Availability on Online Platforms 


pip3 install -r requirements.txt
python3 makemigrations social
python3 migrate
python3 migrate social
python3 createsuperuser
python3 runserver

After that SocialPath will be accessible at localhost:8000/search

Paste your API keys into backend/keys.json Remember to escape double quotes (“) in instagram cookie with in json

Change your timezone at socialpath/ It’s important for scheduled background tasks.

Make sure you have added python3 to your PATH, app calls subprocess in social/

You can check status of the tasks on http://localhost:8000/admin/background_task

Directory is created for each user with csv inside under /static/, for visualizations.


You can read the developers write up here and download the tool here

social pathsocmint techniquessocmint tool