Sn1per – An Automated Pentesting Framework

Sn1per is an automated scanner that can be used during a penetration test to enumerate and scan for vulnerabilities.

Let’s get started

To clone the tool, type the following command:

git clone

Then you type the following commands to change the directory to Sn1per, change mode of, and to list the files of Sniper respectively.

cd sn1per chmod +x ls

Then your screen should look like this:

Then you type the following command to install the tool:


After a successful installation your screen should look like the following:

To run the tool, simply type:

sniper -h

-h (to show you the help menu)

Your screen should look like this:


So, we want to gather information about certified

so we type the following command:


The tool will automatically collect information about the target.

Your screen should look like that:

You can type the help command to explore more features of the tool.

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