How To

BinProxy – A Proxy Tool For TCP Connections

BinProxy is a proxy tool for arbitrary TCP connections. It gives you a TCP proxy and an interface to write protocol-specific parsers in Ruby using the BinData library This tool understands and manipulates binary network traffic. BinProxy can operate as a simple transparent proxy with a static upstream or a socks/https proxy.

The tool has the desire to leverage the convenience of using an intercepting proxy instead of manual requests and the realization of writing a lot of the baseline networking and proxying code over and over.



  • Ruby 2.3 or later
  • A C compiler, Ruby headers, etc., are needed to compile several dependencies.
  • openssl binary for –tls without an explicit cert/key.
  • To build the UI, node.js and npm,



From Rubygems

gem install binproxy

From Source

git clone binproxy
cd binproxy

# Install ruby dependencies.
# Depending on your setup, one or both of these may require sudo.
gem install bundler && bundle

# The UI is built with a webpack/babel toolchain:
(cd ui && npm install) 
  && rake build-ui

# Confirm that everything works
# sets up the environment and passes all args to binproxy
./ --help

To build and install the gem package:

gem build binproxy.gemspec

# Again, you may need sudo here
gem install binproxy-1.0.0.gem


How to use:

  • Run binproxy with no arguments.
  • Browse to http://localhost:4567/
  • Enter local and remote hostnames or IP addresses and ports, and click ‘update’
  • Point a client at the local service, and watch the packets flow.

Command Line:

binproxy -c <class> [<local-host>] <local-port> <remote-host> <remote-port>

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