Editing Text in a PDF File

Computer users come across PDF files almost every day. However, many of them didn’t know that it is possible to edit the text in such files. Almost everyone can simply read the required information and close the document. But as soon as the moment comes to copy something or make any other change in this file, everyone who encounters such a problem starts looking for the solution either on the Internet or from friends who are also not aware of this question.

How to Edit Text in PDF?

PDF (Portable Document Format) is a file format developed by Adobe Systems that provides an electronic display of information such as documents, presentations, etc. But the main feature of this format is the impossibility to make changes if you don’t have a relevant utility because most of the users apply it for data distribution, not creation.

Many programs help to work with PDF, but most of them only allow you to read information and do not allow you to change it in any way. Therefore, few people have problems with reading, but there are more than enough problems with editing.

Due to this fact, some programs have found a solution on how to change this file type. But these applications also differ from each other by the purpose, the features, and the user’s taste. For instance, you can use a PDF combiner for merging several files, while Adobe Acrobat Professional will be useful for editing and changing its content.

Features of Adobe Acrobat Professional

First, we need to highlight that the most versatile program for editing PDF files is the professional version of Adobe Acrobat. This utility is considered universal since it performs numerous actions and because PDF format is the brainchild of the Adobe Acrobat developers. For example, it can create a PDF document, edit the text, and then convert it to Word format and vice versa. Here are the most popular features of Adobe Acrobat Professional:

  • scanning and then saving in PDF format;
  • making PDF from HTML with ease;
  • creating PDF documents from email letters;
  • distributing files;
  • easy editing, etc.

This program will never lose its relevance and popularity among those who are constantly faced with editing text in PDF files. It is useful if you need to perform complex operations in the editing process. But when this is not required, it is enough to use analogs that are more user-friendly, but no less effective and useful.

In Conclusion

Nowadays, editing PDF files is not a problem anymore because you can use various free and paid tools to change your files. Still, we encourage you to focus on your own preferences and use the tools that are more convenient for you. Good luck!
