How To

How To Avoid Avengers Endgame Spoilers?

Avengers Endgame is officially released and thousands of fans have already watched the movie by now. But for those who haven’t watched the movie yet, the internet is a dangerous place right now.

Be it Game of Thrones or Avengers, people who just revel in the happiness of spoiling things for others are just around the corner. Dealing with this idiocy can be frustrating, but fret not, there are several ways to avoid Avengers Endgame spoilers. So without wasting any time, let’s see how to block them spoilers!

Stop Avengers Endgame spoilers

On Facebook

Spoiler Protection 2.0 is an extension for Chrome and Firefox which can be used to filter out posts with spoilers. Not just Avengers Endgame, this extension will help you block movies, series or sports spoilers that you don’t want to see on your Facebook news feed. You can filter out the news feed and search results by keyword, author, country and more. You can import these filters on any other platform such as Twitter, YouTube, News sites, etc.

Watch this video to find out how Spoiler Protection 2.0 works:

On Twitter

Twitter is a place where you’d find tons of Avengers Endgame spoilers in the form of memes, disguised videos or simply written in tweets. To block Avengers Endgame spoilers on Twitter, you can use Twitter’s inbuilt blocker to block certain keywords.

Follow these steps to add another layer of spoiler protection on Twitter:

  • Log in to Twitter
  • Go to Settings & Privacy
  • Select muted words
  • Click ‘Add’ and optimize accordingly

On YouTube

Your YouTube feed is also filled with Avengers Endgame spoilers right now. Small clippings of the movie, reviews and spoiler videos in disguise are circulating right now. It’s better to avoid YouTube for a while or use extensions to filter out videos.

On Browser

Apart from the Spoiler Protection 2.0 extension I mentioned above for browsers like Chrome and Firefox, there are several effective and popular extensions you can use to avoid Avengers Endgame spoilers. You can check out all of them here. It is a detailed article on methods and tools you can use to avoid any kind of spoilers.

Avoid Forums

Forums are another platform you should avoid to save yourself from Avengers Endgame spoilers. By now, forums like Reddit are filled with people discussing the movie, various scenes in it and the climax — basically the entire movie. So it’s better to avoid such a platform until you have watched the movie yourself or at least for the next two or three days.

Don’t read the comments!

This one is one of the sneakiest methods which most people use to drop spoilers. Be it Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, or community forums, there are spoilers present in the comments. Once you see the spoilers for Avengers Endgame, there is no coming back from it. So try not to read the comments for now.

For Google Chrome, you can also use an extension called Hide YouTube Comments to protect yourself. Firefox users can use Youtube Comment Snob. Another extension called Shut Up, a CSS style sheet created by Steve Frank is also available as an extension for Safari and Chrome. It is an effective comment blocking solution across a variety of sites.

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