How To

How To Create A Simple Batch File For Windows

Hackers can create very dangerous batch files which can destroy your computer but here we are going to teach you on how to create a simple windows batch file. Batch files are created using Microsoft Notepad

How to create a simple batch file for windows

Step 1: Right-click on desktop and choose Text Document. Now you can see a plain text file when you open it.

Step 2: Google the commands which you need to create a simple batch file

Note: Below you find a simple batch file that displays some text.

Step 3: Type “@echo off” so that the code is not displayed in the final form.

Step 4: Next line type “echo” then press space and add the information you want to  display (example: echo my first batch program)

Step 5: Press enter to go next line and write “pause” so the windows stops.

Step 6: Now Save your file

Step 7: Give a name to your file and save it in .BAT extension.

  • APPEND  Set or display search path for files.
  • ASSIGN  The command redirects requests for disk operations on one drive to a different drive. It can also display drive assignments or reset all drive letters to their original assignments.
  • ATTRIB Change or view attributes of one or more files.
  • BACKUP and RESTORE Original commands to backup and restore files. Replaced later on by CPBACKUP or MSBACKUP
  • CALL  Invokes a Batch program from another Batch program
  • CHCP Displays or changes the active code page used to display character glyphs in a console window.
  • CHKDSK Checks a specific storage volume.
  • CHOICE Prompts user to choose from several options.
  • CLS Clears the terminal screen.
  • COPY Copies files to a specific location.
  • DATE Displays system date.
  • DEL and ERASE Delete one or more files.
  • DIR Shows contents of a directory.
  • ECHO Displays text on screen.
  • EXIT Closes the program.
  • FC and COMP Compares two files and shows differences.
  • FOR A loop syntax based on a set of conditions.
  • MD or MKDIR Creates a new directory.
  • MOVE Moves files to a specific location.
  • PATH Displays or sets a search path for executable files.
  • PAUSE Suspends all activity until user input.
  • RD and RMDIR Removes a directory.
  • REM Adds comment without any action.
  • REN Renames a file.
  • SORT Filters input data and sends it to output data stream.
  • TIME Displays system time.
  • TITLE Modifies the program title (shown in title bar).
  • UNDELETE Restores files deleted with the DEL command
  • XCOPY Copies entire directory tree.
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