How to Disable Facebook Autoplay Videos?

Hey guys, I write how-to content at fossBytes on regular basis. The contents that I write are pretty simple and based on the day-to-day problems. Few days ago, I wrote about How To Get Faster Internet Connection Speed and it was a big hit. I ask the readers about the problems they face, and I get tons of messages daily asking about different things. Few days ago, I got a message from a reader asking about how to disable Facebook autoplay videos.

If I am not mistaken, Facebook is irritating many of us with its auto-play video feature. So, here I am, writing an article on how to disable Facebook autoplay videos. You can disable Facebook autoplay videos on your PC as well as smartphone.

Disable Facebook Autoplay Videos on PC:

  1. Click the drop-down menu at the top-right corner and go to Settings
  2. Now click on Videos located at the left bottom.
  3. Now you will find your auto-play videos as default, you can disable auto-play from here.

Disable Facebook Autoplay Videos on Smartphone:

  1. Tap on Settings bar.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and tap on App Settings.
  3. Again scrolling to the bottom you will find Video Auto-Play. Now you can set it accordingly.

For more tips and tricks from us, read our How-to guides.

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