How to Ensure Data Protection Regulation Compliance in Your Company

Data protection has never been more important, and keeping up to date on your requirements as business is becoming a vital part of your business management. With the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into effect in May 2018, it’s vital to ensure that you are protecting the data that your customers trust you with.

As online security becomes increasingly important to businesses and cybercrimes continue to rise, are you doing enough to stay security relevant in a digital age? For any company that trades online, your security awareness needs to high, and you need to make certain that you are not only benefiting your business through trust and responsibility but also that you are being compliant with the changing legal requirements.

Understand how GDPR affects you

The GDPR has been devised to reflect the changing digital landscape the importance that it now plays in our daily lives. Bringing data protection up to date is seen as increasingly relevant, and the GDPR is intended as a governmental response to online changes. For any companies that hope to trade with clients or suppliers in Europe, educating yourself about the necessities of conforming to GDPR laws is key to ensuring that you don’t fall behind, as this could cost you more than simply lost revenue. Failing to take GDPR into account could mean that your business is breaking the law.

Changes to your business structure

With successful businesses opting to take full advantage of the wide variety of cloud-based options available, it’s important to take note of the changes that GDPR will mean to your cloud management. Whether you’re already utilizing private or public cloud hosting or not, it’s easy to see why so many businesses are opting to use the resources available. Plus, with service providers such as the Access Group keeping up to date on the legal and technological requirements of the GDPR changes, it’s now more important than ever that you check out the benefits of external cloud-based services.

Devise an action plan

The first step to GDPR compliance is making certain that you are up to date on the legal requirements when it comes to storing the online data of your customers. Once you are aware of your legal obligations, it becomes easier to strategize an action plan in order to make certain that you are protected legally.

Carry out risk analysis and prioritize the areas that you feel may be at most risk and make plans to increase security. By learning which kinds of data will fall under GDPR legislation you’ll better understand your position and what you need to do, and once your action plan is in place, it becomes a simple matter of updating, improving and streamlining your security protocols.

Failing to address GDPR and follow the new laws laid out in it could result in a business damaging fine. By tackling the key issues now, you give yourself more time to make certain that you are covered in every way.

Image credit: DepositPhotos

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