PixelSynth — JavaScript-based Chrome Experiment Converts Your Images Into Music

Short Bytes:
Ever imagined how your picture will “sound” if converted into music? Now, using a new Chrome Experiment called PixelSynth, you can do it right now in your web browser. This Experiment uses JavaScript, WebAudio, and Canvas to convert your image into music.

Google’s Chrome web browser has changed the way we browse the web. While new competitors like Edge and Vivaldi keep coming, Chrome continues to rule the web by combining simplicity and performance.

At its Chrome Experiments website, Google keeps promoting innovative projects of coders from all around the world and showcases their creations.

The latest addition to the Chrome Experiments website is PixelSynth, which is created by Olivia Jack.

Written in JavaScript, this digital synthesiser makes use of WebAudio and Canvas to use images and drawings as the basis for creating new sounds.

On the Chrome Experiments website, it’s written that PixelSynth is inspired by ANS Synthesizer created by Evgeny Murzin in 1937.

Getting started with creating your own tunes is very easy in PixelSynth. All you need to is select an image from a given list, or upload your own, and start experimenting.

There are lots of customization options like brightness, contrast, speed, spacing and more. You can also draw over these images and alter the music in real-time.

While I wasn’t able to create any pleasant sound using any image, I have high hopes for you. Good luck!

Okay, Enough About Music & Images…Now Teach Me JavaScript 

Chrome ExperimentConvert image into soundGooglePixelSynth