DoS attack over Blizzard

A denial-of-service attack (DoS) to Blizzard Entertainment that lasted the entire weekend and caused a severe delay for some players and prevented others from entering the platform, finally ended last Monday morning, as reported by experts on secure data destruction from the International Institute of Cyber Security.

The creators of Overwatch reported problems on their servers the day before and recognized that the attacks were affecting the game, as well as other games on their platforms. Heroes of the Storm and World of Warcraft were also under attack.

“DoS attacks against network providers are over”, Blizzard posted on Twitter, while Overwatch developers confirmed through Reddit the reinstatement of services, and also offered apologies for the incident.

For specialists in secure data destruction, most of the services available on the Internet today are vulnerable to DoS attacks, especially online games. With the possibility that players often get an unfair advantage by preventing others from accessing the game, the motivation to launch attacks against these platforms is high.

Although the attacks have ended at this time, experts in computer security and secure data destruction estimate that another attack may be on the way, as the threat actors have disrupted Blizzard platforms with similar attacks on the past, though they usually don’t last more than just one day.

BlizzardDoS attack