
It was all a hoax; the countdown to meet Satoshi Nakamoto has ended

The countdown on the website, which promised to reveal the identity of the ‘father of Bitcoin’, ended hours ago and, to anyone’s surprise, no relevant information was revealed, said specialists in cybersecurity.

The website not only deceived anyone who
believed that the identity of the person (or group of people) behind the world’s
first cryptocurrency would be revealed, but it dared to announce the launching
of a news portal related to the virtual assets world; the website announced
that it will include the world’s first artificial intelligence-based news
anchor, which has been dubbed “Satoshi “.

For cybersecurity experts and members of the cryptocurrency
community, this website was considered a fraud from the start, although some
are said to be surprised by the level of cynicism of the site’s operators. In
addition, some tweets and Reddit publications were enough to grow rumors
without sustenance on

Even John McAfee opined on the subject via
Twitter, advising his followers not to be too enthusiastic about the countdown
posted on the website. “In my opinion, this is a phishing attempt, or a
very well thought out marketing campaign, we’ll know in a few minutes”,
McAfee tweeted moments before the stipulated deadline expired.

McAfee also opined on other controversial
issues, such as a conspiracy theory that states that Paul Le Roux, a man from
Congo, is the real Satoshi Nakamoto.

Le Roux used to be the leader of a criminal
group and former programmer who now serves a sentence in a U.S. prison.
Conspiracy theorists claim that Le Roux developed the Bitcoin as a money
laundering method; in addition, his status as a prisoner explains the fact that
his Bitcoin wallet has always been inactive.

According to cybersecurity specialists from the
International Institute of Cyber Security (IICS), McAfee believes that whoever
is behind this theory “has been smoking too much opium”. On previous
occasions, McAfee has claimed to know the identity of the real Satoshi

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