
Kite ‘Artificial Pair Programmer’ Is A Programmer’s New Best Friend

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Kite is an artificial pair programmer that runs alongside your text editor or terminal. It suggests you command examples, library documentation, and code fixes to make your life easier as a programmer. At the moment, Kite only offers support for Python and OS X but it’s busy working hard to bring more languages and platforms to the table. 

Kite, a new plugin that calls itself an artificial pair programmer, is here to assist you in coding. As programmers today, we are being exposed to new languages and libraries, but we are not using smart tools. Kite aims to bridge this gap by showing you examples of terminal commands and documentation for libraries.

Kite also offers a helping hand when it detects simple errors by suggesting you fixes. Are you wondering if “Kite is a new IDE or editor?” — No, it’s a desktop application that runs alongside your existing terminal or editor. It integrates with them seamlessly and performs its job.

Kite offers internet-connected programming

Kite reduces the time you spend googling new things and running wild in Stack Overflow by offering what have to look up. On its website, Kite writes that our web browsers and text editor know nothing about each other. So, Kite offers a new experience of internet-connected programming alongside your editor.

As you start typing, Kite shows you example codes and you can immediately start using libraries without spending time going through the painful documentation.

This artificial pair programmer also detects the missing imports and typos and fixes them. It understands your workflow and shows the usages and definitions from your own codebase.

At the moment, Kite only has support for Python and OS X but it’s busy working hard to bring more languages and platforms to the table.

Talking about the text editor, Kite works with Sublime Text, vim, emacs, Atom, and PyCharm. It also integrates easily with your and iTerm.

Kite is still in its early development phase and it looks like an interesting project. Another important thing — the editor plugins of Kite are made open source and they are available on GitHub.

Also Read: Microsoft Releases Open Source Visual Studio Code 1.0 For Windows, OS X, And Linux

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