10 Best Period Tracker Apps For 2019 — Track Your Menstrual Health

Thanks to technology, gone are the days when keeping track of things was of some difficulty, even when it was about my menstrual cycle. If I need to know when my next period will be, I look up to one of the period tracker apps and the practice is something I would highly recommend to all the girls out there.

How To Track Period?

Calculating your period cycle is a simple process; you just have to know the date of your last period to keep track of the next one. While you can manually do it (possible discrepancy alert!), there is an easier and better way of doing it — using a period tracker.

In order to maintain your menstrual health and keep track of a lot of related things for this purpose, I am going to list down the best cycle tracker apps for 2019, so that menstruation is no longer a taboo and knowing about it is as routine as it should be.

10 Best Period Tracker Apps for Android And iOS

  • Period Tracker – Period Calendar Ovulation Tracker
  • Clue
  • Flo
  • Ladytimer
  • Glow
  • Ovia
  • My Calendar
  • WomanLog
  • Once
  • My Cycles

1. Period Tracker – Period Calendar Ovulation Tracker

When I used the Period Tracker app, it appeared to be one of the easiest to use apps out there. You have to fill in a couple of basic period-related questions such as the number of days a period cycle lasts, last period date and more before you commence.

The app will list down your previous or current period data along with the prediction of the next period date and fertility date. Additional features include Calendar, Log, Chart, Settings, and Add Notes. To get started, enter details about you and know all the things related to your menstrual as well as sexual health.

The Add Note section allows you to add various details each month such as the flow, intake of medicine, intercourse, moods, and more. One thing which is a fun element of the app is the ability to change the theme of the app, which is mainly an animal theme. So, you can choose the animals of your choice.

While there are several apps on the store going by the ‘Period Tracker’ name, the reason I included it in my list of best period tracker apps for 2019 is that you can even track your water intake and ask the app to remind you to consume some, so that you remain hydrated.

  • Pros: Options to change themes
  • Cons: Ads
  • Availability: Android and iOS

2. Clue

Clue is a popular period tracker app that allows you to keep an eye on your periods. I use the app myself and it helps me to a great extent to keep an eye on my monthly cycles. The app starts with the usual questions and has a simple interface to use with five major sections. 

The first section is where you can enter dates, the second is a period calendar, and the third is the Add option to enter various other details. The fourth section allows you to analyze the period dates and the fifth section is your profile section with other setting options.

The app allows you to track details such as period flow, cramps, sexual intercourse, mood, and more, and you can even add more options for better tracking.

While all the features of the app are unique and intriguing at the same time, the Clue Science option (in the hamburger menu) is a mini period encyclopedia to know more about periods if you already don’t know. Furthermore, you can upgrade to Clue Plus (by paying) for added functionality.

  • Pros: Clue Science
  • Cons: Can lag at times
  • Availability: Android and iOS

3. Flo

Flo is a period calculator clubbed with ovulation and fertility tracking. Once you accept the app’s terms and conditions, you have to select if you want to track your cycle, are trying to conceive or are pregnant.

By answering basic menstruation questions and signing up for better usage, you can access loads of features available on the period predictor. The app is divided into four parts: Today, Calendar, Insights, and More, with each section’s name being self-explanatory.

The app also lets you add details such as weight, sleep, water, sex, mood, symptoms, and more for better monitoring. The reason it is on my best period tracker app list is the reminder option for various activities, Pregnancy mode, and the ability to set-up a pin for the app.

Furthermore, the app can be upgraded to Flo Premium for various features, otherwise, not accessible on the free version.

  • Pros: Pin set-up ability
  • Cons: Paid upgrade program
  • Availability: Android and iOS

4. Ladytimer

The Ladytimer period tracker is much like the other apps on my list; it has the same process of typing in the period details such as last period date, flow, the average number of period days, and more. 

The feature that sets it apart from all the menstrual calculator apps on my list is the chat option that allows you to ask your queries and get assistance on the various concerns you have related to your period, pregnancy, or ovulation. The chat room has various rules such as no racism or derogatory comments so that everything takes place with respect.

The app has four segments: Calendar, Settings, Info, and Chat. You can enter various details by selecting options under the Settings section and the Info section is another one that provides information related to menstruation.

Additionally, the app lists videos in Info for more knowledge and has various themes to select from the Settings menu, among others.

  • Pros: Chat section
  • Cons: Unattractive UI
  • Availability: Android and iOS

5. Glow

Prior to knowing your basic period information, the Glow period tracker app asks you to sign in, which is a short process. Following this, you enter the app’s main page and there are loads of options to choose from. There are three primary sections: Home, Community, and Essentials. 

The Home section has the Today sub-section to enter daily details, Analysis sub-section to keep track of menstruation, ovulation, and more, and Resources for sessions on a plethora of sexual and health topics.

The Home section also contains articles on periods and more to stay updated on the lesser-discussed topic of menstruation. While the Community section allows you to talk about such topics with others and meet other women having issues similar to you, the Essentials section is more like a goodie bag for you to earn offers and more.

Additionally, there’s a hamburger menu for more app options, an option to upgrade to the app’s Premium version, Messages section, and Notifications — all placed at the top of the app.

  • Pros: Interesting app with loads of features
  • Cons: Cluttered UI
  • Availability: Android and iOS

6. Ovia

The Ovia app is an umbrella app, covering menstrual cycles, fertility, and ovulation — which is why it’s present on my best period tracker app list.

The app’s Home section tells you about your fertility score, days until fertile windows, period days, and proliferative phases, for you to plan a kid accordingly. If you have confusion about any of the terms given on the app, you can tap the option to clear your definitions.

The Calendar section allows you to track your period cycle and enter more details such as mood, symptoms, intercourse, and more. The Health section provides health and medical assessment, the Chat section allows you to talk and connect with others, and the More section displays all the app settings for ease of usage.

In addition to this, the app offers various articles on fertility, making it one of the best fertility apps on my list. 

  • Pros: Medical assessment option
  • Cons: Confusing app
  • Availability: Android and iOS

7. My Calendar

My Calendar is one of the period tracker apps for 2019 that has a simple UI and doesn’t require you to do much. Before you get to use the app, you just have to enter your name, last period cycle, number days the periods last, average days difference between two monthly cycles, and you are good to go.

The app has a Calendar of the lower portion and details such as the days until your period, fertile window, and ovulation are present on the top portion. 

There are four sections to go for other features of the app; the first section to change the app theme, the second section as a period calculator, the third section to enter more menstruation-related details, and the fourth section to access settings.

Furthermore, there is an option to set passwords, backup the data, upgrade the app, and various other options.

  • Pros: Simple UI
  • Cons: Ads
  • Availability: Android and iOS

8. WomanLog

WomanLog period calculator app follows the usual process of setting up by typing in the basic period details. Following this, you can keep an eye on your period and analyze the details entered on the app.

The app has the Home section wherein you have to enter the period date, a Period Calendar section, a Statistics section, an Articles section to explore more about your vaginal and sexual health, and the Settings section for various app options.

The Setting menu has loads of features such as the option to upgrade the app, set reminders, set the pregnancy mode, backup and restore data, and more to make the usage easy. The drawback of the app is the presence of ads that gets annoying at one point.

  • Pros: Articles and various app options
  • Cons: Adverts
  • Availability: Android and iOS

9. Once

The Once app helps you keep track of your menstruation and tells you about your chances of pregnancy so that you can decide when exactly to plan for a baby if you want one.

This app is on my best period tracker app list for 2019 is due to the presence of engaging articles on periods, sexual health, and related topics, which makes the app a fun app.

The app needs your period information and has four sections: the Home section lists down the period date, pregnancy possibility, and fertility time. There’s a period calendar section, a section to edit your period details, and the three-dotted menu for various other details.

While the app is easy to use, annoying advertisement is a problem, which can be removed by purchasing tickets. There isn’t a necessity to log in, however, the app would want you to do so for a better app experience.

  • Pros: Ease to use app
  • Cons: Annoying ads
  • Availability: Android and iOS

10. My Cycles

As the name suggests, the My Cycles app helps you track the monthly cycles with ease. The period predictor asks you the usual questions and lets you select the theme of the app as per your choice.

Upon doing the mandatory, you just have to tap on the big circle present on the app and enter flow, mood, weight, and other details of that particular day.

There’s a hamburger menu on the top left side, which has various options such as Calendar, Analysis, Reminders, and more settings options. In addition to this, the app has an option to log in, but you can start using the app without doing so.

  • Pros: Easy UI
  • Cons: Not many app options
  • Availability: Android and iOS

Top Tracker Apps You Need To Know Of

In today’s world, it’s mandatory to know of your health, specifically women’s health. I hope my best period tracker app list helps you keep a close eye on your periods, ovulation, fertility, and sexual health. Let me know which one is your favorite period tracker.

As a reminder, the apps in my list are based on their popularity on the Google Play Store and the App Store, their user reviews, and my own experience. Do let me know if there are more options I should know of.

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