10 Reasons Why You Should NOT Work for Facebook

Today, Facebook is one of the biggest company to work for. The name itself creates an aura around you (if you are an employee, not a Facebook addict). Plus, the salary packages, the company provides in campus placements in certain premier institutions such as MIT, Stanford, Harvard and IITs, is unbelievable. So, landing a job at these tech giants is pretty awesome, right?

Well, while searching for why should anyone work for Facebook, I stumbled upon something interesting; ‘Why You Should NOT Work for Facebook.’

These are some of the experiences shared by the former and current employees of the multi-billion dollar companies on Quora.

1) Bigger Company Means More Politics

As you go higher in the hierarchy, you’ll find it more difficult to survive. While it certainly makes things interesting at the workplace, but sometimes you just wish you could run off.

2) Six Weeks a Year, 24/7 On-Call Duty.

For six weeks in a year, just forget everything buddy. The company owns you. No weekend holidays, no social gatherings, it’s you, and your phone. Be ready to run.

3) “Team Spirit”; Wait, What Again?

The company works on the mantra of personal wins and accomplishments and not the success of the whole team. The managers (that the employees were working under) lacked leadership and motivational skills, the team isn’t focused (interns’ complain) and lack of communication.

4) Awful Workplace

The workplace lacks privacy and originality. Working as if in a BPO customer care centre won’t motivate you to do innovate and increase efficiency but convert into a machine working for Mark. A former intern says, “When you have huge rooms filled with rows and rows of picnic style tables with people sitting shoulder-to-shoulder with six inches of separation and zero privacy, I am sorry … That’s how you keep cattle in the pen, not high-quality talent earning low to mid six figures.”

Also Read: Here’s How Facebook Can Get You Fired From Your Job

5)Working for a Huge Company that Acts Like a Startup

The sudden decisions that the company takes without giving much regard to its investors are known by all. As a former employee says, “This is kind of like an Adam Sandler movie where he’s old but wants to act like a teenager. Awkward”

6) ‘I Work At Facebook, Who Are You?’; Attitude Problem

Well, this can happen to anyone working in a big companies. With a brand name to boast off, a little ego is bound to be set. The tone of the superiors is ‘belittling and self-righteous’, complains a former employee.

7) Trying too Hard to Become Google

Not out loud but yes, this a fact everyone knows. With the recent schemes and announcements like Spaceshiplabs (remember our favourite YouTube) including various others creates doubts if Facebook is just following Google’s steps, rather than innovating something new.

8) “Leave Your Work At Office.” Sorry dear, I Can’t

Employees say that it is not possible to leave your work. You constantly get pings and notifications from your fellow group members. Even when you are on a vacation.

9) Working at Facebook Means Staring at Your Profile for Hours

Browsing Facebook in between the work is a means of refreshment for half of the population, but doing so for a livelihood will eventually be boring and distasteful. “For testing of the codes, you have to continuously browse Facebook, not only it is distracting but also you get bored at looking same thing again and again.”

10) Facebook is Overhyped

Facebook’s current stock values are not even near to what they had anticipated. The employees aren’t much happy seeing the numbers valued for the company, and the people nagging them all the time for working in such a big company is not a great help either.

These are not personal opinions but collected from the reviews on Quora.

Source: Quora

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