DanaBot Banking Trojan Emerges Again With New Features Steals Banking Credentials

DanaBot Banking Trojan was discovered earlier this year by Proofpoint, targeting users in Australia through continuous malicious email campaigns, later it expands to Poland, Italy, Germany, Austria.

It is a banking Trojan developed in Delphi language, it has a multi-stage and multi-component architecture, most of their functionalities depends on the plugins added to it. The threat actors behind DanaBot Banking Malware continuously adding new features to it.

New Campaign – DanaBot Banking Trojan

With this new active ongoing campaign DanaBot targeting users in Poland, according to ESET research, this “new campaign is the largest and most active campaign to date.”

The malicious email campaign contains invoices posing to be from various companies, the campaign uses a combination of PowerShell and VBS scripts, following are the plugins found with the new campaign.

VNC plug-in – To establish a remote connection.

Sniffer plug-in – to injects malicious scripts to victim browser, usually while visiting internet banking sites.

Stealer plug-in – harvests credentials (browsers, FTP clients, VPN clients, chat and email programs, poker programs etc.).

TOR plug-in – installs a TOR proxy and enables access to .onion websites.

With the previous August campaign, the DanaBot developers added TOR plug-in to create a covert communication channel and with this new September campaign the threat actors behind DanaBot VNC plug-in that enables remote access to the victim’s machine.

Researchers said starting September smaller campaigns targeting banks in Italy, Germany, and Austria, on September 8, 2018, ESET discovered a new DanaBot campaign targeting Ukrainian users. According to the telemetry data, Danabot detection ratio spiked between the month of August and September.

ESET published a detailed list of Targeted domains, Targeted software, Targeted cryptocurrency wallets, configuration script, IoCs, hashes and plugins used.

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Baking malwareDanaBot Banking Trojanmalware