
Hackers using .NET Malware Called “Evrial” to steals Bitcoins by Abusing the clipboard

A new stealthy .NET malware discovered with sophisticated functionality that steals bitcoin by abusing the clipboard to taking control of it and modifying the cryptocoin address.

Initially, this functionality has been discovered with the malware called Cryptoshuffle by the end of 2017 and later cybercriminals changed its name as Evrial and started selling with the same platform.

Evrial is a .NET based malware that has been developed to steal passwords from browsers, FTP clients, Pidgin as well apart from bitcoin.

Meanwhile, the bitcoin transaction, Evrial malware changing any cryptocurrency wallet address in the clipboard and replace the attackers own address.

so If the victim’s copies, for example, a Bitcoin or Litecoin address, it is quickly replaced by another and it controlled by the attacker by the dedicated control panel.

Control panel used by the attacker to advertise the malware and by the buyers to administrate their “loot”

How does this .NET Malware Steals Bitcoin

Initially, once the victim will be infected, each and every time a bitcoin wallet copied from the clipboard by victims, a request to a specific server owned by the attacker.

This will work for some major cryptocoins  BTC, LTC, ETH, XMR, WMR, WMZ or Steam. The server will respond with an address.

According to elevenpathsWhen you want to make a, let’s say, Bitcoin transfer, you usually copy and paste the destination address… if it is switched “on the fly” the attacker expects that the user, unwittingly and trusting in the clipboard action, confirms the transaction, but to his own wallet. That is the trick.

Also, you can find the technical details of Evrial malware in this video.

In this case, researchers found several versions of malware and some of the versions are shielded.

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