
Linux & Open Source News Of The Week — Microsoft Joins Linux Foundation, openSUSE And Zorin OS Releases

Short Bytes: Last week, Microsoft left a big mark in the open source world by joining the Linux Foundation as a Platinum Member. We also saw the release of two major Linux distributions–openSUSE Leap 42.2 and Zorin OS 12. For more Linux and open source news, read our weekly roundup and stay in the know.

Linux & Open Source News Of The Week

Microsoft joins Linux Foundation

At its Connect(); conference, Microsoft shocked the world by announcing its new Linux Foundation membership. The company has joined the Foundation as a Platinum Member, joining the likes of Cisco, Oracle, Intel, etc.

498 out of 500 fastest supercomputers are running Linux

Top 500 has released its latest list of the top 500 supercomputers of the world. Linux has once again emerged as a winner, marking its presence of 498 out of the top 500 supercomputers. The rest 2 are running IBM AIX, a UNIX variant.

openSUSE Leap 42.2 and Zorin OS 12 Releases

Last week we witnessed the release of two major Linux distributions. openSUSE Leap 42.2 arrived with Linux kernel 4.4, promising a rock-solid desktop experience for Linux professionals and IT deployments. On the other hand, Zorin OS 12, based on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, was released as the biggest ever Zorin release.

You can own a Linux machine by holding Enter key for 70 seconds

A flaw in the Cryptsetup encryption utility allows an attacker to gain the access to root initramfs (initial RAM file system) shell by holding down the Enter key for about 70 seconds. This fault was exposed by the same hacker that showed a way to cripple a Linux system by pressing backspace key 28 times.

Firefox 50 arrives with new features

The latest version of Mozilla’s open source and cross-platform web browser Firefox was released last week. Firefox 50 came with tons of security fixes and features like better video playback, faster startup, improved WebGL availability.

Google AI Experiments — A fun and open source way to learn

To help you understand neural networks in a fun manner, Google has introduced an AI Experiments showcase. Apart from letting you play with them online, the code of these experiments has been made open source and one can download them.

“Changed” Microsoft can’t kill Linux, says Linux Foundation director

After Microsoft announced that it’s joining Linux Foundation, many open source advocates assumed that its Microsoft’s strategy to kill Linux. However, executive director of the Linux Foundation, Jim Zemlin said that Microsoft is now a changed company.

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