1846 Government & Civilian Websites Hacked by Z Company Hacking Crew

‎Z Company hacking crew has attacked massive Indian websites by hacking over 1846 domains, Including Govt, Civil Aviation India and University sites hacked on May 29th. According to ZHC, ”This hack was done to show support to the two sisters of the Kashmir valley who were first raped and then killed brutally by INDIAN OCCUPATIONAL FORCES ON 29 MAY’09”.

Z COMPANY HACKING CREW also attacked the Indian Cyber Space leaving sites down and displaying their deface messages in support for Kashmir. The Crew also used SMS bombers service for sending messages like ” ONE SLOGAN ONE TRACK, GO INDIA GO BACK” were sent to as many as 1300 Indians at 1:22AM IST to show and observe the Protest.

Hacks+mirrors=> http://freekashmirzhc.tk/

Message left by ZHC:

Read On [My beloved Aasiya is still having those tears in her stony eye] : https://www.facebook.com/notes/aalaw/my-beloved-aasiya-is-still-having-those-tears-in-her-stony-eyes-by-koshur-mazloo/388462454533802

Govt Site Slum Rehabilitation Authority = http://sra.gov.in/

Govt. College of Engineering and Leather Technology=

Civil Aviation India= http://civilaviationindia.net/

Adullam Educational Institute=

Advik Gurus Yoga Foundation and Charitable Trust =

Athmabhishekam Tv Ministries = & athmabhishekam.co

Banglore Movies =

Bilogical Data Mapping India = http://biomap.org.in/


Cambridge Institute of Technology Bangalore=http://citech.edu.in/

Indian sites hackedKashmir hackingZ CompanyZ company hacking crewzhc