Anonymous Hacker’s #Op_Tibet Set for 10th December [Video Included]

After conducting successful operating against Israel at #Op_Israel, Anonymous hackers are now going against the cyber world of China and setting up teams for their upcoming operating Tibet, officially known as #Op_Tibet. 

The hackavists have already released a video on Youtube in which the reason for attacking Chinese cyber space is well explained, you can view the video below. 

#Op_Tibet: December 10 Is a Day Of Solidarity With Tibet and also United Nations Human Rights Day.

To Mark This Important Date Anonymous Tibet Has Released This Video Appealing For The People To Support #Op_Tibet And A Statement On China’s Human Rights Record And It’s Ongoing Suppression Of Tibetan National Freedom, the hacked added.

In an email conversation between Anonymous hacker and HackRead, the hacker confirmed that #Op_Tibet will begin from 10th of December 2012 and will remain operational till the maximum damage is done. The hacker also added that Tiber is not a part of Chine, hence this operation is against the daily humiliation, occupation, torture and mistreatment of Tibetans by the Chinese authorities.

The group has also released a press release for the upcoming #Op_Tibet, according to the release: 

Any violation, injustice or censorship imposed upon the individual citizens of the world is an offence to anyone or normal intelligence  compassion and integrity. There is no place for selective outrage or double-think in the cause to oppose such abuse and oppression, it is not a matter of left versus right or free market forces being more iniquitous then socialist economic models. Wherever people’s rights or national freedom is being violently denied, where freedom of expression is rewarded with prison or torture then there is an ethical imperative for anyone of conscience to expose and oppose such cases. With that in mind @AnonymousTibet seeks the solidarity and active support of fellow #Anons to take-up action against the Chinese Regime which, apart from suppressing its own people, is terrorizing Tibetans and enforcing a genocidal occupation of Tibet.

The hacker told us that everything for #Op_Tibet is ready, Twitter channel will update the people on daily basis and it will be an operation of life time. 

Considering the past operations conducted by Anonymous hackers, there is no doubt that this operation will also be worth it , yet the time will tell how much damage will be done. At the same time, attacking Chinese cyber space is not a piece of cake. The whole world has seen the high class skills of Chinese hackers and their defense when it comes to cyber attacks. 

Follow Op_Tibet on their official channel for news and updates. 

Read the release here:

#Op_TibetAnon OperationsAnonymous hackersAnonymous newsAnonymous Tibet