Bangladesh Directorate General of Health Services Hacked by Ritu Thunderbolt

Looks like Cyber war between India and Bangladesh has started again before it could be finished, as a new Indian hacker Ritu Thunderbolt has hacked official website of Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS). The hacker left his deface page which was more anti-Islamic rather then anti-Bangladesh or related to cyber war.

According to the deface message:

Allah loves this hack Allah himself has claimed that he loves this hack and that it will not be destroyed like an infidel dog. Fortunately, this hack is sufficiently clothed and will not be blamed if it is a rape.

Take your seat and wear the seat belts, Allah should not be blamed if you roll on ground. Read this hack otherwise Allah burn your ass in hell fire.

This hack looks more like a religious bash or part of religious hatred, which is not appreciated in the cyber world. Hence I will only post the half deface message because the other part is bunch of bullshit and I personally believe in coexistence rather then spreading religious hate.

Targeted website:

Bangladesh Directorate General of Health Servicesbangladesh india cyber warDGHSindian hackersRitu Thunderbolt