Bangladeshi Hackers defaces 60 Indian websites, declare Cyber War against Border Security Forces

A group of Bangladeshi hackers going with the handle of Bangladesh Black HAT Hackers (BBHH) have hacked and defaced 60 Indian websites, declaring cyber war against Indian Border Security Forces (BSF)’s allege brutality.

Hacking contacted me via email in which the reason for starting a cyber war was explained as a form of press release. The release can was expressed in following words:

  • We are Bangladesh Black HAT Hackers . Finally declare war against indian government. We will massacre Indian cyber space . Our main target is all Indian online basis facility . Our first attack in this session is made and day by day our attack will be harder.
    Stop Border killing, Stop Brutality of BSF. Felani means not a dead body , felani means bangladesh .

  • Bangladesh Black Hat Hackers are responsible for this hacking . We want justice about felani . We want justice about all India-Bangladesh border killing after 1971. First shot made by our three crew 8l@ck 3xplor3r (Black Explorer) , COD3 BR3AK3R (Code Breaker) , Th33 Rockst3r (Thee Rockstar). Its just starting , more attack coming soon.

Other then the release, hackers sent me a list of 60 hacked websites which were left with a deface page along with a message against BSF. The links of targeted sites can be find here.

At the time of publishing this article, most of sites were restored while some of them were taken offline.

Sta with us as we will keep you updated with every hack conducted under the cyber war.

Bangladesh Black Hat Hackersbangladeshi hackersBBHHDefacementDEFACEMENTS