BMPoC Hacker Defaces another NASA Domain but not against NSA or Syrian War

The world renowned BMPoC hacker who got fame by defacing 14 official NASA domains against NSA’s spying over Brazil and Syrian war has now defaced another NASA domain.

No, the domain was not targeted against NSA’s spying or talking against Syrian war. This time the hacker uploaded a .txt page on NASA’s subdomain with a greeting message to newly emerging Pakistani hacking group ”MadLeets”, expressed in following words:

  • MadLeets: By: BMPoC! Greats: sniffer, Invectus, h4x0r HuSsY, 1337, madcodE, phpBuGz, Pain006, Darksnipper, b0x, Shadow008, Dr.Z0mbie, DeXter, c0rrupt, etc.

The targeted domain belongs to the NASA’s Museum Alliance, which is a community of practice comprising informal science educators at museums, science centers, planetariums, observatory visitor centers, NASA visitor centers, Challenger Centers, zoos, aquariums, parks, and nature centers who wish to share NASA information with their visitors.

Link of targeted site along with its mirror is available below:

The reason for leaving a deface page greetings Pakistani hackers remain unknown. However, It is too early to say if BMPoC has joined hands with Pakistani hackers in the world of hacktivism.

On April 18, 2013 BMPoC had defaced 4 Official NASA domains and on September 10, 2013 the same hacker hacked and defaced 14 official NASA domains against U.S government’s NSA spying over Brazil and against the expected war on Syria.

At the time of publishing this article, the targeted Museum Alliance NASA domain was down and displaying ”Forbidden” message.
