Famous YouTuber Turns Her Tesla Model 3 Into A ‘Sexy Pickup Truck’

Elon Musk promised to launch Tesla pickup trucks a long time ago. He claims the vehicle is on its way, but there’s no indication of what it’ll actually look like, let alone a confirmed release date.

Just like us, the famous YouTuber Simone Giertz got tired of waiting for the truck, except she decided to go ahead and build one for herself.

Even though Giertz self-describes herself as the “queen of shitty robots,” the Tesla Model 3 that she used to transform into a pickup truck is pretty amazing.

The YouTuber calls her modified pickup truck the “Truckla” and has released a video of the same where you can watch her do all the cutting and welding (even cursing) as she customizes the Tesla car.

Giertz, with the help of some friends, removed the latter half of the car and installed a cage over the truck bed. There’s also a tailgate that doubles as a workbench.

You can see Giertz and her crew working in a rented workshop to build their Tesla pickup truck. It took them around two weeks and a whole lot of sawing to create Truckla.

Her team even made a fake truck commercial to go along with it.

Even though there’s still a lot of work that remains in terms of waterproofing and paint makeover, etc., the end results look pretty good and definitely more realistic than the concept images of Mad Max styled pickup truck shared by Elon Musk.

Pickup TruckSimone GiertzTeslaTesla Model 3Tesla Pickup Truck