Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 Finale Details ‘Leaked’ Online

There are two types of Game of Thrones fans: fans who love leaks and fans who despise them. Unfortunately, those who love the leaks often end up spoiling the fun for others and the Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 isn’t an exception.

As per various media reports (Via Deadline), the GOT Series Finale leaks are circulating all over Reddit and other social media websites, including Twitter and Facebook Groups. And as you’d expect, the majority of the fans aren’t finding the leaks funny.

The fact that last week’s Reddit leaks were reportedly in line with the actual episode is also pissing off fans as the much-awaited GOT finale event has been spoiled by apparent legitimate leaks.

The Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 posts on the Freefolk subreddit confirm many popular theories and I’d advise you to refrain from visiting the website if you want to experience the mega event the way it’s supposed to be. While I won’t be sharing any links to the leaks, I’ll surely mention that the reactions to the alleged ending on Reddit and Twitter are very polarizing.

There is no GOT finale “video” leak. Yet.

Fortunately, there are no video leaks as of now and we hope that it remains this way till the finale is premiered. If the clips from Finale end up leaking before the official broadcast, it’d be really embarrassing for HBO. It’s worth noting that Game of Thrones Season 8 has already suffered two full-episode leaks and multiple minor ones. Previously, Season 7 suffered a similar fate.

In related news, the current season is the GOT’s worst-reviewed season and fans are demanding HBO to remake the season; an online petition on has gathered more than a million signatures. Additionally, Star War fans are also demanding that Disney should reconsider its decision to rope in GOT showrunners (David Benioff and D.B. Weiss) for the upcoming movies.


Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 6 (Series Finale) will air 9 PM ET on HBO. If you’re looking for a legal and free way to watch the episode, feel free to refer to our free GOT streaming guide.

Game of ThronesGame of Thrones FinaleGame of Thrones Finale leakGame Of Thrones leakGame Of Thrones Season 8