
Ghana’s Ministry of Justice and Attorney-General Website Hacked by @Hpa_Argentina

The official website of Ministry of Justice & Attorney-General Ghana () was hacked yesterday by @Hpa_Argentina. The hacker called itself citizen of Argentina with special skills.

The hacker left a deface page along with a deface message against the government of Ghana for refusing the release of an Argentinean Navy ship-the Frigate Libertad it impounded a few months ago.

The hacker warned Ghana and threatened to if ship is not released, the hackers of Argentina will unleash hell on them. They will attack all the government websites of Ghana, their banks, stock exchange, all the oil companies and gold,” the hackers said in a statement displayed on the hacked site of the Justice Ministry.

According to the the deface message:

Ministry of IN-Justice HACKED!!!

Dear People of Ghana, 

Your Government have illegally seized our Libertad frigate, a School ship belonging to the Argentine Navy. Your Government is violating the Vienna Convention by failing to ensure the immunity of a Navy ship as the frigate Libertad. 

This School ship have a very special meaning for our people. Help us to get back our Libertad frigate! We ask you as brothers.

Government of Ghana, 

We are a citizens of Argentina, citizens with a very particular set of skills; skills that make us a nightmare for you. 

This is a warning. If you refuse to release our Libertad Frigate in three days, we will unleash HELL on you. We will attack all your government websites, all your banks, your stock exchange, all your gold and oil companies, your energy and water companies, we will publish on Internet all your personal banking records, the ones in your country and the ones abroad, and more! 

Your country will spend millions in loses, is not necessary, you just have to enforce international law. Three days…

@hpa_argentina – Hackers Patrióticos de Argentina

The Twitter account of @Hpa_Argentina hacker was suspended after announcing the hack yesterday.

At the time of writing this article, the website was restored and working online.

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