
GitHub Free Users Will Now Get Unlimited Private Repositories

Microsoft has announced unlimited private repositories for all free members on GitHub. Previously, GitHub offered free accounts but the code had to be public. Those who wanted a private repository had to pay a sum for it.

Now the code repository site has lifted off the limitation by allowing unlimited private projects with up to three collaborators.

The only limitation left is the number of collaborators allowed here. Apart from that, there’s no change in how the service handles public repositories, where unlimited collaborators are still permitted.

Additionally, the GitHub Developer is now called the GitHub Pro. It covers everything in GitHub Free, unlimited collaborators for private repositories, along with advanced code review tools for private and public repositories.

The platform made another announcement regarding GitHub Enterprise which is the new unified product for Enterprise Cloud (formerly known as GitHub Business Cloud) and Enterprise Server (previously GitHub Enterprise).

So organizations which prefer the flexibility to use GitHub in a cloud or self-hosted configuration can now access both at one per-seat price.

Overall, this announcement feels like a sign of goodwill from Microsoft, which acquired GitHub last October, setting a large number of developers nervous about it.

Now it feels like most of them have come to terms with it. With Microsoft kicking off the new year with good news like this might help in winning back developers who migrated to other sites like GitLab and BitBucket.

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