Hacker Who DDoSed Boston Hospital for OpJustina Facing Charges

The DDoS attacks caused a loss of hundreds of thousand dollars in 2014- He claimed the attacks were against hospital’s alleged bad treatment of youth with serious emotional, psychological and medical problems.

Earlier last week on Wednesday, a hacker by the name of Martin Gottesfeld was charged with targeting Boston Children’s Hospital and the Wayside Youth Family Support for a series of DDoS attacks. The Washington Times report suggests that another formal indictment will be made against him next week by the U.S Magistrate Judge Marianne B. Bowler. The attacks were carried out in 2014 under the name of the world-renowned hacking group Anonymous

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Gottesfeld was arrested in February 2016 by the FBI. Before this, Gottesfeld and his wife had fled and were missing but, they were later found and Gottesfeld was informed that he has been under investigation for cyber attacks that cost the Boston Children’s Hospital at least $600,000.

A more humane purpose

It is not to be assumed that these attacks were simply perpetrated for the fun of it. Gottesfeld himself stated that he wanted to raise a voice against the unjust institutionalization of children. He has been against the practice of restraining children who are seemingly troubled and have an abnormal mental state. He believes that such hospitals do nothing but have those children go through a lot of sufferings.

He mentioned one child, in particular, a girl named Justina Pelletier who was 15-year old at the time of the attack. Gottesfeld stated that she had been treated wrongly and mentioned he had heard a number of such stories about the unjust treatment of children. Due to this, he claimed that he had launched such attacks against the hospitals as human rights activists.

A hunger strike

Gottesfeld has been on a hunger strike since he was prosecuted and expects to spread public awareness of the issue as such. He strongly believes that the very fact the trials were not made public proves the prosecutors simply want to hide the truth from the public’s eyes.

AnonymousCyber CrimeDDoSHackinghealthcare