Instagram Accidentally Pushed An Update To Make Your Feed Horizontal

Earlier today, Instagram accidently released an update that made the feed go horizontal from its default vertical scrolling setting. The users were made to tap through newsfeed instead of scrolling through it vertically.

Internet went berzerk and people were horrified at the new layout of Instagram. The accidental update affected only iPhone users and Android and desktop users were spared from the accidental ‘tap through posts’ update. Instagram soon rectified its mistake and reverted the social media platform to its original vertical scrolling settings.

Soon after it, Adam Mosseri, Instagram’s head explained in a series of tweets that the company was testing the new feature and mistakenly rolled out the feature to users.

The feature was first reported by the TechCrunch in October and Instagram confirmed that it was testing a feature that would allow users to view feed by tapping on it akin to stories. The feature, at that time, was limited to Explore section.

As Instagram went horizontal for brief moments, netizens lost their mind and it sparked a series of jokes and memes on Twitter. Here are some of the most hilarious ones:

Did you get Instagram’s horizontal feed update? Tell us in the comments section.

InstagramInstagram horizontal updateInstagram update