Instagram Wants You To Watch IGTV Videos At Any Cost

Back in June last year, the photo-sharing app Instagram introduced its IGTV video platform to compete with YouTube and Snapchat’s Discover feature. Even though it exists in the form of a standalone app, Instagram will now start showing the IGTV preview on users’ feed.

Users will be able to spot a preview of the IGTV videos by the Instagram accounts they follow and clicking on the same will let them watch the full video on IGTV. Instagram, via a post on its Twitter handle, made the news official which received a lot of negative responses.

Here is the reaction of people to the newly “forced” feature:

For the uninitiated, Instagram’s IGTV video platform allows users to create and stream videos up to an hour long, and show up in the vertical format. It has channels (creators) under various categories, which users can follow to view their content.

To recall, previously, the IGTV notifications could be accessed either through the small TV icon present next to the Direct Message icon or its standalone app. 

The new integration as part of Instagram’s latest update will eventually be rolled out to all users.

While Instagram deems the IGTV preview integration as something users were waiting for, it, in reality, is nothing but an annoying element, forcing users to view something they might not want to watch.

Another feature (introduced recently) which is as irritating as the IGTV preview is the removal of Instagram Stories’ views in the Archives section which even made me cringe.

We hope Instagram doesn’t force its features and introduce the ones we like.

So, Instagram, try taking feedback maybe?

What do you think about it? Comment below with your thoughts.

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