Official McDonalds Korea Website Hacked & Defaced by Turkish Ajan Hacker Group

Maxney & xXM3HM3TXx hackers from Turkish Ajan Hacker Group have collectively hacked and defaced the official website of McDonald’s Korea (

Hackers left their deface page along with a message on the hacked website in Turkish and English language, protesting against Zionism.

Hacked by Turkish Ajan Hacker Group..Türkçe: Amelleriniz için ettiğiniz özürü, Şehid Olan Kardeşlerimiz, için etmiş gibi gösteren siyonistler, Sizler ..Osmanlı Padişahlarının dizinin dibinde diz çöktünüz vakitleri unutmayın, çünkü sizler ona layıksınız ve hep diz çökeceksiniz. Her zaman karşınızdayız.

English: Your excuses for your actions, it shows it as if it is our martyr brothers. But we know your Zionists did you stoop before the Ottoman Empire and offered to help. You deserve to have to crouch and you will always bend over! We are always against you.

Link of targeted website:

Mirror of targeted website:

At the time of publishing this article, the website was restored and working online.

Maxney HackerMcDonalds HackedMuslim HackersTurkish hackersTurkishajan group