Official Vatican Radio website hacked once again by Anonymous

Few days ago Vatican’s Official Radio website came under Ddos attack of Anonymous. Citing abuse of charity, child molestation and aid to “Nazi War Criminals” as the main reasons of attack, the website remained down for many days.

In their latest statement Anonymous have claimed that during the previous attack they successfully managed to attach a backdoor which later gave them access to the site. This time Hackers not only breached the security but the broadcast of Vatican Radio was also suspended for a few hours. They claimed that Vatican’s Radio service uses equipment that is causing serious health issues among the people residing in vicinity of the station.

A portion of statement read “Unfortunately it is now an established fact that you use repeaters with power transmission largely outside the bounds of the law, and it is also sad to note the correlation between exposure to electromagnetic waves of high intensity and the onset of serious diseases such as leukemia cancer and many other terrible diseases”

It should be noted that the attack of Hacktivists came at a time when a number of people have filed lawsuits against the station who were concerned about the use of high voltage radio frequency repeaters. Radio Stations often use these repeaters to regenerate a portion of lost signals during the transmission of signals.

AnonymousHacktivistsNazi War CriminalsVatican cityVatican Radio website hacked