
Official websites of Avira Anti-Virus Slovenia & United Nation Armenia hacked by Dr.SHA6H

A profile Syrian hacker going with the handle of Dr.SHA6H has hacked the official website of German based Avira antivirus software company designated for Republic of Slovenia and official website of United Nation (UN) in Armenia.

The hacker left a deface page along with a message on both hacked websites against Syrian conflict, killing of children, raping of women and asking human rights organization to help the Syrian people. The deface page was expressed in following words:

  • When patience and children being killed and women raped! three years in a row and there is no solution to the blood in Syria? what do you do if the blood of children oil… all the world is seeking to oil..Is this humanity that we are studying in school and universities and everywhere? all we do now speech what action from government and human rights organizations!

Links of both targeted websites along with their links can be found below:


Dr.SHA6H is the same hacker who previously had hacked official website of US embassy and UNESCO New Zealand and several other high profile embassy and government domains against Syrian conflict.

At the time of publishing this article, both sites were hacked and displaying deface page left by the hacker.

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