#OpMali: British Chamber of Commerce Hacked, 900 Login Credentials Leaked by Tunisian Cyber Army

The official website of British Chamber of Commerce  for Luxembourg has been breached and as a result login information of around 900 users have been leaked and made public on Pastebin for #OpMali.

The hackers who have been hacking French and British based websites against the military attacks in Mali contacted me on Twitter about their latest breach on the British chamber commerce website.

The army also left a message for the British government on Pastebin, according to which:

Greeting gov of france we are the tunisian cyber army..we are here for justice..No fear No war..his is our dream..for the last few months we was watching you..we follow all your speech about mali and now its our time to talk..you and all those who support attack on mali..will face a cyber war..there is no forgiveness..there is nothing that will stop us..we give you the time to think well..and now is the time for our attack…expect other attack soon..and remember we watch you. we are tunisian cyber army.

The data has now been posted on Pastebin that includes usernames, addresses, phone numbers, emails and plain text passwords from the chamber of commerce and different other major British financial giants like Barclays bank and ATC Group.

#opmaliBritish Chamber of Commerce HackedBusiness hackedHackedhacking news