Pixel 4 XL Is the New iPhone 6: It Bends Too Easy!

Ever since Google launched the Pixel 4 and the Pixel 4 XL, there have been problems with the devices, trying to tell us not to buy any of them.

The older sibling — the Pixel 4 XL — went through a durability test, and sadly, it isn’t as durable as we thought it might be and bends way too easily.

The Pixel 4 XL Bends Easy!

A durability test conducted by renowned YouTuber ‘JerryRigEverything’ shows how the device bends upon putting in some pressure.

The bent test resulted in two cracks near the rear camera module, which eventually led to another two cracks somewhere at the bottom part. Additionally, the smartphone was all bent and I am not sure if I should be laughing or feeling sorry for the device.

Evidently, we don’t go on bending our smartphones like this, but the Pixel 4 XL failing the test is a serious problem.

This also reminds me of the infamous iPhone 6 bendgate issue wherein the Apple device had a similar issue.

However, a silver lining to it is that the device didn’t bend from the back (if this makes you happy!)

The video also takes the smartphone through a scratch test and it ain’t scratchproof. For the scratches, Jerry used a white stripe with a 1 to 9 rating, with one having the least scratching intensity and 9 having the most.

While the device was able to sustain scratch intensity up until the fifth rating, it wasn’t able to survive the sixth and the seventh ratings and showed scratches on the display.

You can have a look at the video for yourself: (Mind you, it is not easy to watch!)

The scratch test was conducted on the rest of the smartphone as well such as the front camera, the front sensors, and even the sides of the device.

The ‘thick’ matte-finished hybrid coating on the sides could not survive the test, and as Jerry says, “the Pixel 4 has a long way to go if it wishes to copy the Apple iPhone 11.”

Furthermore, a burn test was also conducted and luckily, the display was fine by the end of the test.

Other Pixel 4 Series Problems

As I said earlier, the Pixel 4 series launched with issues; its Face Unlock feature isn’t quite secure and can unlock the device if the eyes are closed, its Soli feature doesn’t work in many countries and it’s not coming to India, and it doesn’t have unlimited Google Photos storage in original quality.

Additionally, it doesn’t have the latest Qualcomm processor and the design is straight-up copied.

With the Pixel 4 XL failing the durability test, I am not sure if its hefty price tag is justified at all.

What are your thoughts on the same? Comment below!

GoogleGoogle PixelJerryRigEverythingPixel 4 XLYouTube