Police Captain Suicides After His Email Was Leaked in Ashley Madison Hack

A former police captain of the City of San Antonio police department committed suicide after his official email address was found amid the leaked data of the cheating website Ashley Madison, San Antonio Express-News reported on Friday.

He was one of the three officials of the police department whose official email addresses (ending at @sanantonio.gov) was found linked to the cheating website Ashley Madison. However, the news reporters and the officials were unable to verify whether the suicide was on the link with the Ashley Madison data leak or not.

On the other hand, the cheating website Ashley Madison does not have any requirements for its subscribers to verify their email addresses so it is undoubtedly impossible for anyone to confirm either the account was created under the officer’s email address was actually in use by the officer himself or was used by someone else to create a fake account.

Back in 2013, it was reported that Ashley Madison sued by a female worker who was hired to create thousands of fake female profiles in the least possible time. The company’s motto behind this was to lure men into thinking that there are many women willing to cheat on them.

The city officials said, “We cannot confirm whether these addresses were legitimately used to access the site.” They further added, “The City does use Internet filters to block access to various websites, including the Ashley Madison site, which has been blocked for some time from City employees.

Last week on August 19th, we reported that the breached data of about 37 million users of Ashley Madison was published online by a group of hackers named Impact Team. The data dump was over 10 gigabytes in size and was leaked to the dark web. The data dump included the login and personal account details, millions of credit card information and other transaction details of 37 million users.

There are over 99,000 accounts alone located in the City of San Antonio of Texas, according to the analyses of the Ashley Madison leaked website data. So in terms of total accounts, it makes this state one of the 14th biggest states in the world for Ashley Madison users.

Then on Friday, Impact Team once again released the second biggest data dump that totaled the size of leaked data to over 30 gigabytes, this time the data contains a large number of emails as well as the personal details of the employees working under Ashley Madison.

On the same day, Motherboard got in touch with the hackers behind Ashley Madison hack in which they revealed that they have about 300 gigabytes to data with them, which includes email conversations of the employees, internal network data as well as thousands and thousands of pictures of the website users. They won’t be publishing any of that, but email conversations and data of the executives might be released in future.

300GB of employee emails and docs from internal network. Tens of thousands of Ashley Madison user pictures. Some Ashley Madison user chats and messages. 1/3 of pictures are dick pictures and we won’t dump. Not dumping most employee emails either. Maybe other executives.

The hackers also said that one of their team members was working as an employee at Avid Life Media (ALM) and was monitoring everything. But once they found out that the number of signups for Ashley Madison started to increase, they decided to hack the website data and leak it online in an attempt to stop millions of people from signing up for the similar websites.

Report typos and corrections to admin@hackread.com

[src src=”via” url=”http://www.mysanantonio.com/news/local/article/City-employees-among-emails-listed-in-Ashley-6458805.php”]Mysanantonio[/src]

Ashley MadisondatingDating SiteHackingImpact Team