Pro-Palestinian Group AnonGhost Hacks United Nations Jordan Website

The pro-Palestine hackers from AnonGhost are known for their hacks against Israel and other high-profile websites to spread free Palestine messages.

The famous hacktivist group AnonGhost hacked and defaced the official website of United Nations designated for the Kingdom of Jordan, leaving a message in support of free Palestine.

In an exclusive conversation, one of the hackers from AnonGhost told HackRead that reason for targeting UN website was UN itself because they aren’t doing much in order to stop Israel’s war crimes against Palestinians and bring peace in the region. 

Hackers left a deface page along with a message on the hacked UN website yesterday. The message was left with following content: 

United Nations Hacked 🙂 Why So Mad ? Own3D By AnonGhost Team , Muslim Hackers . #Free_Palestine.

A full preview of the deface page is available below: 

Link of targeted website along with its mirror as a proof of hack is available below:

A Tweet from hacker announcing the hack:

AnonGhost is known for its high-profile hacks, some of them are available below:


1. On April 9th, 2015, AnonGhost hacked Israeli credit cards and donated about $18,000 to pro-Palestinian charity for OpIsrael.

2. On May 18th, 2015, AnonGhost hacked the official website of Wayne county Sheriff and leaked login credentials of its employees.

3. On June 3rd, 2015, AnonGhost hacked the official website of Piatt County’s Sheriff Office website.

4. On June 10th, 2015, AnonGhost hacked two subdomains of US Air Force website.

Click here to go through all previous hacks conducted by AnonGhost .

At the time of publishing this article, the targeted UN website as restored and available online.
