#ProjectSunRise: Team GhostShell Leaks 700,000 Accounts of South African Institutions

Remember GhostShell from #ProjectWhiteFox? The hackers are back and this time have claimed to leak and compromise over 700,000 account details, records and databases of top most financial giants from South African and  to some extent other countries from the continent, such as Algeria, Nigeria, Kenya and Angola.

The hackers have released a hug amount of data and a press release that is now available on Pastebin. The dumped data ranges from government, mining, banking, petroleum, construction, management, networking, transport services, education/academics and other high profile financial institutions.

According to the press release:

After two months of investigations, Team GhostShell has finally managed to fingerprint the entire top business infrastructure of South Africa, tracing some of it’s activities to other countries across the continent. 

As always, we will provide you with a glimpse of that world, so that everyone else can do their own research and draw their own conclusions from it. Although this time around, the goal was not to release a large portion of data, we will still provide you with enough non-disclosure accounts and records from a variety of businesses; corporations and governments.

After analyzing the leaks, I can say that there are total 40 Dumps that allegedly contains data compromised from various Organization including Woolworths Holdings, Angola’s Oil field industries, The African Reinsurance Corporation, South African Diamond Corporation, PostNet Internet Services, African Mining, BEE Network, Moolmans Africa Mining Corporation,, South African Express Petroleum.

The press release also states that many of the sites are vulnerable to cyber attacks and their respective authorities have been notified about the vulnerability.

Stay tuned, I will keep the readers updated as I get more details.

#ProjectSunRise#ProjectWhiteFoxdatabase leakeddumpsLeaked data